Your Custom Text Goes HEre
UK\France | 1966 | Directed by Roman Polanski
Logline: On an isolated beach castle property an eccentric husband and his wayward wife are set upon and driven to distraction by a desperate gangster and his befuddled accomplice.
A dark comedy of manners and errors, this is minimalist Kafkaesque perfection from Polanksi and his frequent co-screenwriter Gerard Brach. Donald Pleasence in an early career performance, but is challenged every step of the way by Lionel Stander.
UK\France | 1966 | Directed by Roman Polanski
Logline: On an isolated beach castle property an eccentric husband and his wayward wife are set upon and driven to distraction by a desperate gangster and his befuddled accomplice.
A dark comedy of manners and errors, this is minimalist Kafkaesque perfection from Polanksi and his frequent co-screenwriter Gerard Brach. Donald Pleasence in an early career performance, but is challenged every step of the way by Lionel Stander.